Download Whatsapp /Sticker Virsion 2.18.330
Currently, WhatsApp is compatible with just about all mobile operating systems on the market: Android, iOS, Symbian and Windows Phone. So this basically means you’ll be able to use WhatsApp to communicate with any friend, regardless of what model of device they have.
WhatsApp users can send text messages, voice messages, links and images to any other user. Automatic image compression makes transferring files very easy (although there is obviously some quality loss).
Now, to send someone stickers in WhatsApp you will find this new option next to the GIF option. First, you have to tap on the smiley icon which you find while you chat. Once you tap on the smiley icon you find the Sticker icon next to the GIF icon. Clicking on the sticker icon loads a set of default stickers which you can send in a chat.
Beside default stickers, WhatsApp also gives you the support to use third-party stickers. From Third-party stickers, you could even send your own made stickers besides using someone else made. You can create your own sticker by packing inside an app (but you have to know how to create an android and iOS App) and publish it on Google Play store or Apple Store. Once the App will publish and you install the App in your phone, you could that App stickers in WhatsApp.
Moreover, if you don’t know how to create your own sticker apps you could use third-party sticker apps. Finally, we can send stickers inside WhatsApp. Note that this new feature supports in WhatsApp version 2.18.330. So, you have to first update your WhatsApp by going through Google Play store.
One of the most interesting and most used tools on WhatsApp is the one that lets you easily create and manage groups. Any user can enter any group, as long as they’ve been invited by the group’s creator, and they can leave it whenever they want.
WhatsApp is the perfect communication tool for Android users because with it, you can forget about paying for text messages ever again. It’s also important to keep in mind that WhatsApp is fully compatible with WhatsApp PLUS (in so far as sending and receiving messages is concerned).
Important Link :
Download Whatsapp Apk 2.18.330
from student mahiti gk